Shipping Policies
We dispatch your order through reputed logistics partner (Depending upon your location).Normally, we ship your order within 24 to 48 hours of receiving the order and it takes 3 to 7 business days to reach to your doorstep. (Delivery time may be exceeded depends upon your location). In case customer hasn’t received the order but he got the order delivered confirmation by ebadam or logistic partner through SMS or mail, in such case customer has to report us within 48 hours after getting order delivered confirmation. No complaints will be entertained after 48 hours of the delivery confirmation message. We always keep you informed with the progress of your order. Once your order is shipped from our end, you shall receive an SMS and an Email mentioning the shipping detail such as Courier Company, Docket No etc. A Customer can also the track his order from his ebadam account in your orders section.